Idaho Falls Airport Master Plan
The Idaho Falls Airport is planning for future growth in the area by conducting a comprehensive study that will identify short-, medium-, and long-term development plans to meet aviation demand over the next 20 years.
The Plan Includes:

Passenger Forecasts

Terminal Budget Needs

Parking Requirements

Rental Car Requirements

General Aviation

Compliance with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) standards
About the Master Plan
The master plan is a comprehensive study of the Idaho Falls Airport and is essential to safely meeting future demand. The objectives of the master plan include the following:
- Gathering stakeholder and public input.
- Understanding airport issues, opportunities, and constraints.
- Considering of the impacts of aviation trends.
- Identifying the capacity of the existing airport infrastructure.
- Determining the need for airport improvements.
- Estimating project costs and funding sources.
- Developing a schedule for project implementation.
Steps in the Master Plan Process
Existing conditions relative to the airport’s facilities and operating environment will be obtained and documented through review of prior studies, observation, interviews with airport staff and stakeholders, and other applicable information.
Facility requirements are primarily determined by technical analysis of existing facility data relative to forecast demand. For those facilities whereby a technical analysis cannot be used to assess facility needs, stakeholder input, industry standards, and professional judgment are relied upon to establish future needs. In some cases, facility improvements are based on a prescribed calendar schedule. In other cases, facility requirements will rely upon demand level trigger points to establish a need for additional capacity. A trigger point is the point at which demand exceeds capacity, degrading facility performance or level-of-service, and triggering a need for an improved or expanded facility. Public input will include opportunities to comment on future stakeholder needs and to learn more about FAA regulations and other development criteria and factors. The results of the facility requirements analysis will provide the foundation for alternatives development.
Alternatives development begins with developing evaluation criteria based on the facility requirements. Next, alternative concepts for future airport development are roughed out. These concepts are then evaluated so that alternatives that meet the evaluation criteria, and therefore meet facility needs, will move forward. Alternatives that meet the criteria are further refined and evaluated again against the criteria. At the end of this step, a draft preferred alternative will be selected by the Airport, taking public and stakeholder input into consideration.
Based on the results of evaluation and public input, the Airport will select a single preferred alternative that best meets the goals and objectives defined during project initiation, reflected in the evaluation criteria. Selecting the preferred alternative is the key decision to be made in the Plan process.
The facilities implementation plan provides recommendations on how to implement and fund the Plan and the preferred alternative. This often includes a development schedule, cost estimates, financial projections, identification of interrelated projects, and special considerations. Airport drawings that make up the Airport Layout Plan will depict proposed developments that make up the preferred alternative.
Plan conditions, findings, and development plans will be documented in a draft and final report. The report will include a summary of public involvement activities, evaluation of the process, and outcomes. The report will include a financial feasibility analysis for identified improvements. The Final Report will be published and made available, including a Comment-Response Report.
Key Issues
Key issues at this stage of the master plan include, but are not limited to:
- Commercial terminal space
- Air cargo space and location
- General Aviation users
- Rental car parking locations/potential Consolidated Rent-a-car Facility (CONRAC)
- Runway 17-35 viability
- Non-aeronautical uses and revenue
- Control Tower and Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF) siting
- Land Use Compatibility Planning
- Land acquisition requirements
- Potential impact of proposed I-15/US-20 Connector project to airport access and development

Join Us
Idaho Falls Regional Airport Master Plan Public Meeting

In-Person Meeting
Feb 20, 2025

Open House: 6 - 8 p.m.

Idaho Falls Activity Center
1575 N. Skyline Dr.
Idaho Falls, ID 83402

Sign up for email updates and check back soon for more details.
Couldn't make our last meeting? View the virtual meeting recording below:
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Meeting number (access code): 146 786 3716
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Meeting Materials
The project team held our third master plan public meeting on February 7, 2024. Thanks to those who joined us. You can view the meeting materials below:
The project team held our second master plan public meeting on October 20, 2022. Thanks to those who joined us. You can view the meeting materials below:
- Meeting 2 Introductory Handout
- Meeting 2 Supplementary Information
- Meeting 2 Overview Poster
- Meeting 2 Forecast Poster
- Meeting 2 Facility Requirements Poster
- Meeting 2 "What Is An Airport Master Plan" Poster
The project team held our first master plan public meeting on August 31, 2021. Thanks to those who joined us. You can view the recording of the virtual meeting and summary here:
Study Resources
- Idaho Falls Airport MPU Chapter 2: Introduction
- Idaho Falls Airport MPU Chapter 3: Socioeconomic Overview and Airport Background
- Idaho Falls Airport MPU Chapter 4: Airside and Landside Inventory
- Idaho Falls Airport MPU Chapter 5: Forecast of Aviation Demand
- Idaho Falls Airport MPU Chapter 6: Facility Requirements
- Idaho Falls Airport MPU Chapter 7: Development Alternatives
- Idaho Falls Airport MPU Chapter 8: Environmental Overview
- Idaho Falls Airport MPU Chapter 9: Airport Layout Plan
- Idaho Falls Airport MPU Chapter 10: Financial Analysis and Implementation Plan
- Idaho Falls Airport MPU Chapter 11: Planning for Compliance
- Idaho Falls Airport MPU Chapter 12: Sustainability Recycling
- Idaho Falls Airport MPU Chapter 13: Glossary of Terms