Thank you for your interest in the Idaho Falls Airport Master Plan – your input is important!
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- Click on the arrows on the bottom left and right side of your screen.
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How to Participate:
- Click through the slides to learn more about the plan and give your feedback on potential projects the team has identified through the master plan process
- Comments
- Provide your comments at any time by clicking the “ COMMENT" button at the top right of the screen.
- You can close the form to continue through the slides. Please make sure to hit the “Submit” button to confirm that your comment is sent to the project team.
- The entire session should take less than 15 minutes to complete.
Master Plan Overview
The Airport Master Plan is a comprehensive study of the airport to help identify the short, medium, and long-term development plans needed to support future aviation demand. The plan provides the developmental framework for the airport to ensure appropriate planning for future needs.
The plan is updated every five to 10 years to ensure compliance with changes in airport design, economic changes, technological changes in aviation and passenger travel needs. The last Master Plan was completed in 2010.
This current comprehensive master planning process was initiated in August of 2021. Studies completed during the undertaking detail an increase in passenger travel and significant growth in air cargo operations.
You can view each chapter developed under the master plan for more detailed information on the analysis.
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Steps in the Master Plan Process
Completed 2022
Existing conditions relative to the airport’s facilities and operating environment will be obtained and documented through review of prior studies, observation, interviews with airport staff and stakeholders, and other applicable information.
Completed 2022
Facility requirements are primarily determined by technical analysis of existing facility data relative to forecast demand. For those facilities whereby a technical analysis cannot be used to assess facility needs, stakeholder input, industry standards, and professional judgment are relied upon to establish future needs. In some cases, facility improvements are based on a prescribed calendar schedule. In other cases, facility requirements will rely upon demand level trigger points to establish a need for additional capacity. A trigger point is the point at which demand exceeds capacity, degrading facility performance or level-of-service, and triggering a need for an improved or expanded facility. Public input will include opportunities to comment on future stakeholder needs and to learn more about FAA regulations and other development criteria and factors. The results of the facility requirements analysis will provide the foundation for alternatives development.
2022 Ongoing
Alternatives development begins with developing evaluation criteria based on the facility requirements. Next, alternative concepts for future airport development are roughed out. These concepts are then evaluated so that alternatives that meet the evaluation criteria, and therefore meet facility needs, will move forward. Alternatives that meet the criteria are further refined and evaluated again against the criteria. At the end of this step, a draft preferred alternative will be selected by the Airport, taking public and stakeholder input into consideration.
Spring 2024
Based on the results of evaluation and public input, the Airport will select a single preferred alternative that best meets the goals and objectives defined during project initiation, reflected in the evaluation criteria. Selecting the preferred alternative is the key decision to be made in the Plan process.
Summer 2024
The facilities implementation plan provides recommendations on how to implement and fund the Plan and the preferred alternative. This often includes a development schedule, cost estimates, financial projections, identification of interrelated projects, and special considerations. Airport drawings that make up the Airport Layout Plan will depict proposed developments that make up the preferred alternative.
Fall 2024
Plan conditions, findings, and development plans will be documented in a draft and final report. The report will include a summary of public involvement activities, evaluation of the process, and outcomes. The report will include a financial feasibility analysis for identified improvements. The Final Report will be published and made available, including a Comment-Response Report.
Forecast Summary and Critical Aircraft
Passenger enplanements are projected to grow at 1.9%. Cargo movement is projected to grow at 3.9%. Overall operations are projected to grow at 0.9%.
Critical aircraft include the following:
Commercial Airline: Airbus A319/320
Cargo: ATR 72
General Aviation: Challenger 300
Commercial Airline: Airbus A319/320
Cargo: ATR 72
General Aviation: Challenger 300
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Potential Alternatives
Tab Subject
Aerial Plan Documents
Phase 1 and 2
- Relocate ARFF and FedEx
- Relocate the rental cars
- Expand the terminal building
- Realign and widen Skyline Drive
- Add a transit station near the terminal
- Relocate and expand employee parking
- Add a cell phone waiting lot
- Add a parking garage
- Expand the SRE building and maintenance yard
- Add a second lane at the terminal curbside
- Relocate the Airport Traffic Control Tower
Aerial Plan Documents
- Determine if Runway 17/35 should be closed or remain open
- Add small hangars
- Replace the community garden with a rental car overflow parking lot
- Enhance the retention basin for drainage
Aerial Plan Documents
- Add medium and large hangars
- Add taxiways for circulation
- Expand the apron for more aircraft parking
- Maintain the existing retention basin for drainage
Aerial Plan Documents
Phase 1
- Add space for two air cargo operators (FedEx plus one additional operator)
- Add a parallel taxiway
- Acquire land
- Provide space for two potential ARFF locations
- Maintain the soccer fields and existing road access
Phase 2
- Primarily a land use protection alternative
- Future airport development - based on demand
- Relocates Old Butte Road to make the property available for future planning needs
Aerial Plan Documents
- Primarily a land use protection alternative
- An option if the north I-15/US 20 interchange takes place
- Build a completely new terminal area in the northwest corner of the airport
- This concept is likely beyond the planning horizon of this master
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Stay Involved
Thank you for participating in the Airport Master Plan process. We will continue to keep the community informed and listen to and acknowledge concerns as we incorporate public input into the plan.
For more information, contact:
Wayne Reiter, A.A.E.
Aviation Planner
Use the comment button at the top right of this meeting to view the comment form where you can submit comments, or email your comments to, info@ifairportmp.com.
Email Your CommentWhile your comments are always welcome, they can be best utilized if received by March 8, 2024.